
The New International Encyclopædia/Müller, Otto

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Edition of 1905. See also the disclaimer.

1040631The New International Encyclopædia — Müller, Otto

MÜLLER, Otto (1816-94). A German novelist. He was born at Schotten, Hesse; was for some time connected with the Court library at Darmstadt, and edited newspapers at Frankfurt and Mannheim. In 1854 he established the Frankfurter Museum. He was the author of Charlotte Ackermann (1854); Der Stadtschultheiss von Frankfurt (3d ed. 1878), treating of Goethe's grandparents; Aus Petrarcas alten Tagen (1881); Der Majoratsherr (1873); and Schatten auf Höhen (1881). Consult the biography, by Schulte vom Brühl (Stuttgart, 1895).